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9:05 am

Conference Welcome Speech

Driving Digital Transformation With Citizen Development

Citizen development is a new paradigm that enables non-IT professionals to create business applications using low-code or no-code platforms. By democratizing software development, citizen development can accelerate innovation, improve productivity, and reduce costs. However, implementing a successful citizen development program requires a clear vision, a strong governance model, and a collaborative culture. In this session, Fernando Marossero, IT Business Solutions Senior Director at Tenaris, will share how his company has leveraged citizen development to transform its business processes and empower its employees. He will explain how the Citizen Development Program was born out of a Robotic Process Automation Center of Excellence in a Shared Services Center, and how it evolved to become a strategic global initiative managed from within the corporate IT. He will also discuss the benefits and challenges of scaling citizen development across different regions and functions, and the best practices and lessons learned along the way.

Digital Productivity As A Vehicle For Driving Corporate Innovation

This conference focuses on the increasingly crucial role of digital transformation within companies, highlighting its influence on the promotion of innovation and the implementation of fundamental technological tools. In the context of the ever-evolving digital era, it is imperative that organisations adapt and adopt emerging technologies to remain competitive. During this event, we will explore how TotalSec, a company in Mexico, has used the platform to boost productivity and improve the visibility of its work teams. This case study will illustrate how adopting the right digital tools can open up opportunities for innovation at both the individual and corporate level within a company.

CIO Panel Debate: Are You Thinking Too Small About Sustainable IT Strategy?

Enterprise IT industry analysts expects that by 2027, 25% of CIO’s compensation will be linked to their sustainable technology impact.

But focusing only on the sustainability of internal IT operations (“sustainable IT”) is too narrow a way to think about sustainable technology.

As sustainable technology has the potential to facilitate new business models and tech-enabled products, how can CIOs make the right decisions when defining IT strategies with sustainability in mind and create an effective sustainable technology portfolio?

Join this Panel debate to discuss:

  • Understanding the business priority around sustainability, and what CIOs & IT leaders can actually control
  • Define your role in driving sustainability across the organisation
  • How you can work towards ESG targets with effective Sustainability Data Management strategies
  • Evolving your teams mindset to drive momentum around sustainable initiatives

If you wish to be considered as a speaker for this panel email us:

Coffee & 1-2-1 Business Meetings

Recommendations For Your Company’s Digital Transformation And How To Guarantee Its Success

This session intends to provide some recommendations, best practices, and our current experience in Innovation in the Enterprise to Technology executives and IT leaders, and also to inspirate the audience to face the challenges and implications to achieve Digital Transformation in their Organizations to deliver an outstanding Customer Experience. In order to achieve DX, we have developed ways to better execute against the market through intensive use of Technology

The Real Impact Of AI In Our Lifecycle

Talk about the real impact of LLM usages the impact in our business demystify some beliefs

Digital Transformation: From Data to Action with Intelligent Observability

Digital Transformation is key to competitiveness and success in today's era. It optimises processes, increases efficiency and productivity, and opens up new business opportunities.

The challenge: Turning data into useful information and making strategic decisions.

This session will discuss how through Machine Learning and Generative Artificial Intelligence it is possible to make smarter, faster and more accurate decisions, smarter, faster and more accurate decisions.

1 pm

Networking Lunch, Speakers & Sponsors VIP Lunch

Roundtable: Mastering The Conversational Era: Intelligent Conversations That Transform Business

These are exciting times! We step into the Conversational Era with countless business channels to connect with our customers. And yet, 88% of people prefer to connect through conversational platforms such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, TikTok and Telegram. The challenge for businesses? To manage all channels through one single platform that is not only intuitive and easy to use for teams, but that provides a swift, effective, and frictionless conversational experience for customers. In this presentation, Daniel Zenteno explains how to strengthen business growth, drive sales, strategically position products, and offer effective 24/7 customers through a platform that allows the development and management of artificial intelligence tools to develop a conversational experience

Generative AI Applied in Omnichannel Retailing

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) is a subset of AI that focuses on creating new data, such as images, text, audio and video, from training data. It uses deep learning algorithms to generate unique and novel content.
In a retail case, we are looking to predict a customer's buying tendency with 4 or 5 Omnichannel interactions.

Innovation & Transformation Of The Manufacturing Industry

Transformation and innovation at a service level is a must into the modern world. But have we thought about transformation at the manufacturing industry? Hence automation and robotics are a must in some manufacturing processes, the truth is told that not all the manufacturing can be automated or taken by a machine. The transformation might serve then, to create a symbiosis between the technician and the machine and/or the industrial process

Coffee & 1-2-1 Business Meetings

Information Technology and e-Health Governance

La incorporación de las tecnologías de la información a los sistemas de salud supone su transformación digital. Esta transformación exige una gobernanza que incluye aspectos de privacidad, cumplimiento de normas, responsabilidades y riesgos inherentes. La gobernanza de la salud digital se dirige a la mejora de la calidad, eficiencia en la atención hospitalaria y la efectividad del uso de datos.

CIO Panel Discussion: Delivering Business Value through AI Investments

As AI technologies evolve, the opportunities are pushing organizations into a new era of efficiency and competitiveness. CIOs and CISOs are creating comprehensive strategies that lead to business outcomes and prioritizes data security and privacy. Whether creating an in-house tool or looking at vendor platforms, now is the time to assess current capabilities and identify where AI can add value.

Join the Panel debate to discuss:

  • Identifying and aligning business needs and use cases for AI implementation
  • Zeroing in on the right AI investments for the organization
  • Assessing data security and privacy to fully harness the power of AI

If you wish to be considered as a speaker for this panel email us:

5:15 pm

Networking Happy Hour & Pub Quiz Then Close Of Conference

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CIO Edge México

Our Enterprise Edge events are premier digital strategies forums transforming the future of the digital enterprise ecosystem, attended by the world’s biggest brands, C-Level executives congregate to discuss the future of IT & Digital Business covering topics including Enterprise IT, Customer Engagement, AI/Robotics, IT Security, Innovation, Disruption & Analytics.

Speaker & Delegate Enquiries

Name: Kurt Large


Sponsorship Enquiries

Name: Craig Shipley


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